Topline Eyewear – Web Design | National SEO

Topline Eyewear received a full web redesign and SEO work on their online store of 2000+ SKU’s. In one year’s time and consistent work and maintenance, their online revenue is up 390% from the previous year, and the average order value has increased 76%, while almost doubling the number of total orders. These results are possible in every market, even the highly competitive retail markets! All of these results were accomplished with $0 spent on paid advertising or PPC of any type!

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By using additional sales channels like Google Merchant Center and Shop, the brand was able to increase their overall impressions each month without any increase in ad spend. All traffic gained has been obtained through organic SEO and rankings for industry-related keywords.

A full refresh of product images and product page layouts was necessary for customer ease of use. It’s now one of the easiest sunglass retail websites to navigate. They’re now some of the best sellers of luxury brands like DITA sunglasses and Cazal!